Shen Yun Ohlasy: Jody Mortara, actress
“It was fantastic. First of all, I had no idea what to expect, I didn’t know what it was, I knew nothing about it. I was so impressed. I loved the message. I loved the quality of the dancers and the stories—it was just really exceptional... It’s really important to have God in the center of our lives and if we don’t, we’re in trouble, and we can see the world, the world is in trouble. What you guys are doing is phenomenal. It’s spreading a really good message and doing it in a really fun way, a non-threating way, which is important. So I appreciated it... What I thought was the most phenomenal thing was when you had the screen, you had the music—the music obviously was cuing the dances so they knew exactly when to go in and then have the animated version of them—the whole thing was absolutely genius. It really was, I’m not just being polite. And you know it was coming from the music so all of it was like one big beautiful story. The math, there had to be a lot of math involved in that, right? It was awesome. Yeah, so I’m a fan.”
May 8, 2018